Hot Nintendo Wii Posts

How To: Use Wiiflow USB Loader

In this tutorial, we learn how to use Wiiflow USB Loader. First, go to the homebrew channel and then click on the wiiflow usb loader. After this, you will see a bunch of games for you to choose from. Browse through these until you see one you like, then select it. You can click the arrows to browse between different games and look at the covers of them. After you find one that you like you can play it right away from your PC. To change your settings, go to the lower left hand corner and chang...

How To: Add Wii points to purchase WiiWare games and more on the Nintendo Wii

Just buying the main disc-based games for the Nintendo Wii is actually limiting yourself quite a bit! There's a ton of classic arcade titles, Nintendo games, and old Sega games for you to choose from among many other titles all in the Wii Shop Channel! But to play them, you will need to purchase them with Wii Points which is your currency transferred into points. If you're scratching your head as to how to do this, you will get a chance to find out in this video.

How To: Install the homebrew channel to your Wii

In this video, we learn how to install the homebrew channel to your Wii. You will need: the Zelda twilight princess game, SD card, homebrew installer, and Wiibrew hack. First, go to Wiibrew and find where it says Twilight Hack underneath "homebrew". Go directly to download and install this on your computer. After this, type in "homebrew" and click the link to find the channel, then download it and save it to your computer. Now, go back to the Wii homebrew page and click where it says the twil...

How To: Use Trucha Bug Restorer to mod / hack your Wii

Trucha Bug Restorer is a powerful piece of homebrew software that you can use on your Wii to make sure that it is formatted properly in order to play burned games and use other hacks. This video will show you how to use it to set up an installation of cIOS on your Wii, which is the program that allows you to play burned backup copies of games.

How To: Hack a Wii firmware version 4.2 with Homebrew

Hacking the Wii is a fun, easy, and rewarding process for any of the more geekily-inclined. This two-minute video will walk you through the whole process except for the first bit where you copy the files here to an SD card and insert it into your Wii. This video will get you the rest of the way, which is pretty simple and should allow you to do all sorts of fun new things with your Wii. Check this out and crack your wii console today!

How To: Hack a Wii firmware v. 3.2 or higher from any region

Hacking the Wii is a fun and not-too-challenging way to have a lot of fun with your console and give yourself a geeky sense of accomplishment. This video will show you how to hack a Wii from any region and with any firmware version between 3.2 and 4.2 using these files for versions 4.1 and below and these for version 4.2. If you've already upgraded to 4.3 that's too bad, because as yet 4.3 is hackproof. You'll just have to wait for the hackers to figure it out.